james holloway


Noticed this interesting feature over at Last.fm:

The words Set a New Obsesssion next to an icon of a pin in three concentric circles.

Reminded me of the one idea for a social network I’ve ever had — and decades ago. You’d get to pick two (and only ever two) current zeitgesit-y favourite things.

It could be anything. A person. A song. A flavour of KitKat. You’d be able to see your friends’s favourite things and, I guess, react. (But not comment, I reckon.)

But perhaps most tantalisingly you’d be able to see trends, local, regional and global.

Twitter trending topics kind of came to do that — that, but without any of the negativity. And I don’t know that that data has ever been properly tracked and visualised over time (although it looks like twitter-trending.com has had a go).


#web #socialmedia

Pleased that doing a bit of work with Measured is an opportunity to use their open source visual editor, Puck. It might only be at version 0.16.0, but it’s a lovely way to put good things on the web.

#web #writing #contentdesign

For posterity, here are some archive.org entries for the iterations of the Vouchsafe website I was most involved with.

This capture from May 2024: shows the first version of the website to go live following their pivot and rebrand from Interrobang to Vouchsafe.

The development and design of the website and rebrand was done by Macu with me in a lightweight project manager-meets-creative director role. Vouchsafe’s founders were also directly involved.

This capture from August 2024 shows a first iteration where I had a chance to revisit the messaging and copy which had been first developed by Macu.

Unfortunately the site styling is missing from that capture — possibly to do with the website platform being switched from Webflow to Wordpress, hence sharing both captures.

The site has since been redesigned.

#web #contentdesign

Created some lightweight CSS for Write.as that succesfully styles all the things, including on post archive pages. Sharing in case it’s a useful starting point for others, if only to save the hassle of figuring out class selectors.

#web #css