james holloway


The Pukka Pad A5 Metallic Jotta Squared Notebook is my Countdown notebook of choice. I’m not saying we watch a lot of Countdown, but I need to order a new multipack.

I can recommend regular Countdown. If you’re like me, you see marked improvement on the numbers round over time as you pick up techniques and shortcuts (there is good YouTube on this subject), and gain confidence with speedy arithmetic. (I think I can remember going to school once upon a time.)

I think I’d do OK if I went on. My numbers are still average but I do well on the words rounds (although less so conundrums). My strategy would be to favour several large numbers and get close, if not the exact answer, in the time.

Reckon I’d be odds-on for teapot, and have a fair crack at a run of two or three episodes. Very far from octochamp material, of course. That’s before factoring in anxiety, though. Odds of actually going on: nil.


Are.na is very nice, but not quite what I need from a scrapbook of the web.

So I’ve soft rebooted on Tumblr with a tumblelog now titled mclhuanism, described, tongue only half in cheek, as being about progressive and post-neoliberal art, media, design, communications and culture.

#notes #blogging

I appear to be scrobbling again. (Thanks, Tidal.) No earthly reason to follow. Although I suppose you could use my most-recently listened track as a Boards of Canada song randomiser.

#notes #music

Casting around (again) for an alternative to Tumblr, Chazzer G suggested Are.na. So I have set up what I have today learned Are.na calls a channel: Heidegger’s surfboard.

I doubt this will stick, but going to give it a try.
